This year marks the centenary of the Socceroos' first international football match, a loss against New Zealand in Dunedin on 17 June 1922.
Since that day, Australia has played 576 games in 68 countries against 102 opponents, a truly international game with a global reach. So to celebrate and for a bit of fun, I created a data-art trilogy to capture that history.

The idea was to create something beautiful to capture viewers' attention and take them on a journey.
At first glance, each image reveals our game's magnitude and global importance, inviting us to look closer.
As you explore, more detail comes to life as shapes morph into information, exposing every game, every location and every opponent. It is a conversation piece to admire and celebrate the centenary of Australian football.

Big thank you to Andrew Howe for providing all the data.

Here are other publications to celebrate the centenary of our game in Australia.